October 1,2012
Blue Heron Farm Journal
Hello CSA members! Sophie here, taking the reins this week as the Bourque-Farris clan have departed for some much needed R&R on the coast of Maine. I'll be here all week, so if you have any questions, concerns, or want to help out, just give a holler. My email is mowflea@gmail.com and my phone number is 215-740-0649 if you need me during this second-to-last week of CSA.
Holy cow, second to last week, really? This summer has been quite eventful, and everyone here on the farm is grateful for your continued support and participation at Blue Heron, whether it's through the CSA, visiting the farmer's markets, or volunteering with us. We couldn't do it without you. I last saw Adam, Christine, Sadie and Delia as they departed from the Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival in Tunbridge, Vermont, where they were selling their amazing BHF yarn as well as beautiful hand knit dolls from their friend Julia. Despite the dreary weather it was a success, and it was very exciting to see knitters from all over Vermont come by to squish wool and ask questions about the farm and the sheep. A very proud weekend for us all!
This week in your share you will find: Potatoes, tomatoes, arugula, cilantro, a cornucopia of winter squash , sweet and hot peppers, and green beans. We also have PYO ground cherries and cherry tomatoes, and plenty of end-of-season basil for the taking. It's not as pretty as it was in June, but it still will make delicious pesto!
Also a reminder, our last (gasp!) CSA pickup will be on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10th. Please come to get your shares and join us for an end-of-season hoedown, Blue Heron style! We will have potluck dinner, music, and (if Sadie's requests are anything to go by) a Bouncy House. Bring a dish to
share, bring a friend to show off the farm, and come celebrate the wonderful harvest we have here in Grand Isle!
Homemade Sriracha
Rooster Sauce (from http://lusaorganics.typepad.com)
- 1 lb of assorted hot chilies, stemmed, seeded (leave more seeds in for more heat), and chopped
- 1 to 2 heads of garlic (about 8 to 10 average sized cloves), peeled and smashed
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 3 Tb honey
Combine chilies, garlic, salt, and vinegars in a sauce pan. Simmer
for 20 to 30 minutes to soften peppers and garlic.
Add honey, remove from heat and allow to cool somewhat.
Blending hot liquids, especially hot siracha is insanity and can
send you to the emergency room. Know how to do this properly to prevent a
siracha blender volcano. Because that would be terrible in so many
ways. Cool first, then start at your blender's lowest speed.
When somewhat cooled, puree until completely smooth in your
blender or in the pan with a submersion blender. Depending on your equipment
this will take up to 4 or 5 minutes. In my Vitamix it was fast, but if your
blender lacks oomph give it plenty of time.
Allow to sit before you take the cover off of the blender. Don't
breathe the steam as it is spicy and will take your breath away!
Return to pan and over medium-low heat to a simmer.
If you want to you can freezer your sriracha in small jars (or
make a smaller batch and just keep it in the fridge), but I chose to can mine.
Using the basic canning process I outlined here, can in quarter-pint
or half-pint jars in a hot water bath for 15 minutes.
Dilly Beans (adapted from a recipe from Edible Seattle)
Green beans, trimmed (about 2-3 cups)
Onion, thinly sliced (I used white onion and added about 1/4 of the onion to
each pint jar)
Fresh dill sprigs (2 per jar)
Black peppercorns (1/2 teaspoon per jar)
Red pepper flakes (1/8 teaspoon per jar)
Whole clove garlic, slightly crushed (1-2 per jar)
For the brine, which makes enough for a couple of pint jars or one quart jar:
3/4 cup white vinegar
3/4 cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Blanch the beans by submerging them in boiling water for about 30 seconds then
transferring them to an ice-water bath until cooled.
Pack the green beans, onion and dill vertically into clean canning jars (I used
pint jars). Add the peppercorns, red pepper flakes and garlic.
In a saucepan, bring the vinegar, water, sugar and salt to a boil. Remove from
heat and pour into the jars, leaving just a little headspace. Cover jars and
cool to room temperature, then refrigerate. Beans will be ready to eat in 2-3
days and will keep for months in the refrigerator.