Week 17: Oct. 12, 2020

Week 17: Hi folks 🙂 Here we are mid October! Next week will be week 18 and the last week of the CSA on farm and delivery. The weather has been keeping us on our toes with wool socks on. I haven’t even had a chance to walk all the fields from last nights chilly weather. While we were away, there were two very cold nights and that wiped out the zukes, cukes, summer squash, beans and *gasp* the ground cherries (before we got to pick them too) – turned all these plants brown and d.e.a.d. We were not expecting that because we usually don’t get something like that until the end of October and for it to happen in mid September – oh 2020 – thank you for making us continue to practice with grace and humility. The baby greens are looking great! The broccoli might not be ready for next week but we will have a call back when it is and make sure you get some if you’d like. The tomatoes with these cold nights are having their last hurrah and I am not sure if we will have enough for CSA but we will try. This week you will definitely receive potatoes, arugula,  greens, herbs, winter squash – the other things may differ from Monday to Thursday – but don’t worry your bags will be full. Next week we will be sending home herb pots ready for your window sill for the coming winterJ plus a good haul of veggies. That mystery bag of peppery greens last week was arugula – great with maple balsamic vinaigrette. The bunched greens was turnip greens (which will be in the share again this week) is great raw in salad, in CSA soup (thanks Julia), stirfry, in eggs on pizza. Yum!

 Our trip to Maine was amazing and restful and good to play as a family. We got to see waves that were 13 feet tall, Adam caught 29 striper fishing off the beach, ate our fill of seafood and read some good books. we are forever grateful to Zoe and Norma and volunteers for all their hardwork for a worry free time away with our little family. It was the longest we have been off the farm and it was the one thing we didn’t have to cancel for the girls. The girls were so incredibly excited that when the days got closer they were about to explode with excitement because they haven’t been really off the farm during this pandemic. No sports, no clubs, no library, no sleep away camp, nothing…We are so thankful to all of you for being ok with us taking off that week of csa and for Norma and Zoe for their hardwork and care.

 Since starting this journal on Monday and it’s now Thursday morning – we did walk in the fields- Peppers, eggplant, and zinnias have gone by. We pulled out the heirloom tomatoes out of the hoophouse. We will slowly be working on the other houses to get the tomatoes out and cover crop the tunnels and add compost to rejuvenate the soil. I think the hens will be going into one of them for part of the winter to help fertilize, keep them warmer, and spread the compost out for the sweet tomatoes of next year. (one of our tricks for sweet tomatoes;) chickens in the winter)

 This season has flown by. How is it already mid October?  I feel like we have been on this giant roller coaster this season- holding on with the weather, drought, more food needs, harvesting, weeding, feeding – wait – wasn’t it just April? How is it October? At times July felt like it was a thousand days long with unrelenting heat and no rain. But here we are. October. This October is a lot different than last year – but also similar – the leaves are turning, surprise frosts still surprise our banana belt living in the middle of the lake, the geese are moving around, the hay is cut and stacked, canning jars, freezers and cold storage are being filled with sustenance- those things happen every October. We can do this and try to enjoy these darkening days with cozy nights and earlier bedtimes. This fall and winter will look different than last year with the pandemic – for your family and ours.  We don’t have the markets that we had going into November and the winter months, outcome of elections in our country, kids activities are still curbed and there will be creative outings this winter-  but I feel like we will all figure something out- no matter what happens locally, nationally, globally – we always do – you and us – because we are resilient people. We can do this together. We are people of hope. We are people of community. We have to be. WE can do this. See you soon!

 Thanks for being part of our farm. We look forward to farming with you this season.   

Peace, your farmers, Christine, Adam, Sadie, Delia, Norma, and Zoe!

Coffee and Veggies!

If you would like to order coffee starting next week to pick up with your share – on farm or delivery Thursday – we have partnered with Perky Planet in Burlington. Our crew has been drinking it the last few weeks and oh my word! It is so yummy. Christine Vaughan and her family are CSA members and deliver fresh, still warm coffee to us when they pick up their share on Mondays J So here are the details: Perky Planet is a Vermont owned Coffee roaster with a mission of employing individuals with disabilities. We proudly deliver mountain grown, 100% arabica bean coffee, sustainably sourced and fresh small-batch roasted to extract delicious coffee in every cup. On any given week, you might receive:
Ethiopian- Yirgacheffe Natural Processed, hints of  Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Berry, Roasted Almond, Rose
Brazil – Salmo Plus Natural Processed, hints of  Milk Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Raisin, Graham Cracker
Colombia USDA Organic hints of Caramel, Cherry, Herb-like, Orange
Guatemala Culbuco, hints of Chocolate, Almond, Apple, Orange  
Coffee can be ordered whole bean or ground (drip grind), available at $12/per pound. Please contact Christine at


You can sub or add turnip greens with arugula

Winter Squash- Winter Squash Storage: store in a cool, dry place: nearly anywhere in your kitchen or pantry should work. If the winter squash doesn’t have nicks/fresh gashes it should last for months.

In case you’ve never tried to cook winter squash, it couldn’t be simpler: Cut in half with a big sharp knife. Remove seeds. (If you’ve ever carved a pumpkin, these two steps should be very familiar.) Put in a baking pan (I use glass, metal or ceramic would also work) cut side down, with a little water in the pan. Or rub the cut side with a little oil first. Bake in a medium oven (325, or 350, or 400, etc.) until it’s easily pierced with a fork. Remove, and eat. Possible toppings: many like maple syrup, I like salt and pepper. I’ve also added my cut, seeded halves of winter squash to the crockpot with some water, and let it cook that way for a few hours. This method works especially well when all you want is the cooked flesh to puree for a soup or other dish.

Pasta with Arugula and Goat Cheese Sauce
from A Complete Menu Cookbook for All Occasions by Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila-Latourrette 4 servings

a bunch of fresh arugula
4 springs fresh parsley
1 8 ounce container low-fat yogurt or sour cream
1/3 cup goat cheese, crumbled
S and P to taste
1 pound fusilli noodles
Grated parmesan cheese, as garnish

1. Before preparing sauce, fill a large casserole with water, and bring the water to a boil.

2 Wash and clean well the arugula and parsley. Dry thoroughly. Trim and chop both the arugula and the parsley.

3. Place the arugula and the parsley in a food processor. Add the yogurt or sour cream, goat cheese, salt, and pepper. Blend the ingredients thoroughly. Keep the sauce at room temperature until ready to use.

4. Add a pinch of salt to the boiling water, and cook the fusilli noodles following the instructions on the package. When the noodles are cooked, drain them, and place them in four serving dishes. Pour the sauce evenly over the top of each serving and add some cheese to each dish. Serve immediately.

ARUGULA PESTO SAUCE eat with artichokes, noodles, toast, carrot sticks…

3 cups packed arugula (about 3/4 pound), washed well and spun dry 1/3 cup pine nuts(or sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds), toasted golden and cooled 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 large garlic clove, chopped 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 cup hot water plus additional if desired In a food processor pulse together all ingredients except oil and water until arugula is chopped fine. With motor running add oil in a stream, blending mixture until smooth. Sauce may be made up to this point 1 week ahead and chilled, its surface covered with plastic wrap. Bring sauce to room temperature to continue. Stir in 1/4 cup hot water plus additional for thinner consistency if desired.

ARUGULA SALAD The Victory Garden Cookbook, Marian Morash

Wash and dry the arugula. Chop garlic and toss with arugula. Use a good strong green olive oil and red wine vinegar. Dress with oil, a bit of vinegar, and season with salt and pepper.


3/4 cup
2 tbsp.
1 clove
2 cups
2 cups
3 tbsp.
1 slice
finely chopped white and pale green part of leek, washed well (about 1 leek)
olive oil
garlic, chopped
small russet (baking) potato, peeled, grated coarse (about 3/4 cup), and reserved in water to cover
low-salt chicken broth
packed arugula, washed well and spun dry
half-and-half or heavy cream
homemade-type white bread, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
small plum tomato, seeded and diced, for garnish

In a small heavy saucepan cook the leek with salt and pepper to taste in 1 tablespoon of the oil over moderate heat, stirring, until it is softened, add the garlic, the potato, drained, and the broth, and simmer the mixture, covered, for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the potato is very soft. Stir in the arugula, simmer the mixture, covered, for 1 minute, and in a blender purŽe it in batches for 2 minutes, or until it is completely smooth. Transfer the purŽe to a metal bowl set in a larger bowl of ice and cold water, stir in the half-and half, and chill the soup, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes, or until it is cold.

While the soup is chilling, in small heavy skillet cook the bread cubes in the remaining 1 tablespoon over moderate heat, stirring, until they are browned, transfer the croutons to paper towels, and season them with salt. Divide the soup between 2 bowls and top it with the croutons and the tomato. Makes about 2 1/2 cups, serving 2.

Gourmet, June 1993


1 lb.
1/2 cup
4 oz.
1 cup
1/2 cup
olive oil
arugula, trimmed
freshly grated Parmesan cheese
pine nuts, toasted
Additional freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Cook linguine in large pot of boiling salted water until just tender but still firm to bite, stirring occasionally.

Meanwhile, heat oil in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Add arugula and stir until just wilted, about 30 seconds. Remove from heat.

Drain pasta and return to pot. Add arugula and toss well. Add 1 cup Parmesan and salt and pepper to taste; toss well. Transfer to bowl. Sprinkle with pine nuts. Serve immediately, passing additional Parmesan separately. Serves 6.

Bon Appetit


1/4 cup
1/4 cup
2 tsp.
1/2 tsp.
6 cups
olive oil (preferably extra-virgin)
fresh lemon juice
grated lemon peel
dried crushed red pepper
coarsely torn arugula

Whisk first 4 ingredients in large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Add arugula to bowl and toss to coat.

Roast Squash Appetizers from Chef Jonathan Miller

1 acorn squash
1-2 T mascarpone cheese
4-6 sage leaves, chopped
2 portabella mushrooms
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 sour baguette, refreshed in the oven and then sliced into thin rounds
chives, chopped

Heat the oven to 400. Cut the squash in half, lengthwise, and put cut side down on some parchment on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven until very soft and caramelized, 45-60 minutes. Cool and scoop out the seeds and strings. Then scoop out the flesh and mash it together in a small bowl. Add a little salt, the mascarpone, and the sage.
Taste for seasoning. While the squash roasts, roast the portabella caps. Discard the stems, and drizzle some olive oil, some salt, and some of the garlic on the gill side of each portabella cap. Roast those in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until very soft. When cool, cut into small wedges. Spread a little roasted squash on a crostini, top it with a wedge or two of mushroom, finish with a little chive sprinkle, and serve.

Butternut Squash Ravioli with Rosemary Oil
adapted from Pamela Anderson

1/2 lb. butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cut into 1/2­inch dice (1­1/2 cups)
1/4 cup extra ­virgin olive oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
1­1/2 tsp. minced fresh rosemary
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan or other sharp hard cheese; more for serving
36 square or round wonton wrappers

Put the squash, 2/3 cup water, 1 Tbs. of the oil, and a scant 1/2 tsp. salt in a large, deep sauté pan. Turn the heat to high until the water simmers? cover and steam the squash until it’s just tender and the water has just evaporated, 5 to 6 minutes? check often.

Stir in the garlic and 1/2 tsp. of the rosemary? sauté until fragrant, about 1 minute. Transfer to a food processor and add the cream, Parmesan, and a few grinds pepper. Process, scraping the bowl as needed, until the mixture is mostly smooth. While the squash cools slightly, wash the sauté pan and fill it with 2 qt. water and 1 Tbs. salt? bring to a simmer over medium­ high heat.

With a large wire rack and a small bowl of water close by, lay six wonton wrappers on a clean, dry countertop. Drop a rounded 1 tsp. of the filling in the center of each wrapper. Brush the edges of each wrapper with a little water. Fold each wrapper to create a triangle or half moon, pushing out any air bubbles and pressing the edges to seal completely. Transfer the ravioli to the wire rack? repeat the process with the remaining wonton wrappers and filling, making sure the countertop is dry after each batch.

Heat the remaining 3 Tbs. oil and 1 tsp. rosemary in a small skillet or saucepan over medium heat. When the rosemary starts to sizzle, take the pan off the heat. Drop half of the ravioli into the simmering water. Cook until the wrapper over the filling starts to wrinkle and the ravioli turn translucent, 3 to 4 minutes. With a large slotted spoon, transfer six ravioli to each of three pasta plates. Repeat to cook the remaining ravioli. Drizzle each portion of the ravioli with 2 tsp. of the pasta cooking water and 1  tsp. of the rosemary oil, sprinkle with a little Parmigiano, and serve immediately.

Polenta Stuffed Squash from Chef Jonathan Miller
You can turn this into a complete meal by serving this over a legume salad. Yum!

1 acorn squash, halved
2 c milk
1/2 c polenta
1/2 lb mushrooms, quartered
3 T tarragon leaves, chopped
1/2 lemon
3 T mascarpone
sprouts for garnish

Put the squash cut side down on a parchment lined baking sheet. Roast at 400 until the squash is soft all the way through, about an hour. Scoop out the seeds and strings. In a small saucepan heat the milk with some salt. Add the polenta slowly, whisking constantly, and cook until it thickens up, about 15 minutes. In a small skillet melt a tablespoon or two of butter and sauté the mushrooms with some salt until softened. Add the tarragon, juice from half a lemon, and the mascarpone. Stir well and then incorporate everything into the polenta. Stir and taste again to make sure you like it. Scoop the polenta into the squash and serve everything warm, topped with some sprouts tossed in oil and a little lemon.

Winter Squash Gratin
adapted from The Greens Cookbook by D. Madison and E. Brown

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon thyme
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup dry white wine
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper or 1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 pound tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
sugar, if necessary|
1 butternut winter squash, weighing 2 1/2 to 3 pounds
4 ounces Fontina or Gruyere cheese, sliced
Freshly chopped parsley

Heat the olive oil and add the onion, garlic, thyme, bay leaf and a little salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until the onion is soft; then add the wine and let it reduce by half. Add the cayenne or paprika and the tomatoes. Cook slowly for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is thick. Taste, add a pinch of sugar if the tomatoes are tart, and season with the salt and freshly ground black pepper.

While the tomatoes are cooking, prepare the squash. Cut it open, scoop our the seeds and strings, and then, with the flat cut surface resting on the counter, shave off the skin. (The butternut can easily be peeled with a vegetable peeler before it is cut in half. Another method is to cut the squash into pieces and then remove the skin from each piece. This takes more time, but you may find it easier.

Slice the peeled squash into large pieces about 3 inches long and 1/4 inch thick. Heat enough oil to generously coat the bottom of a large skillet, and fry the squash on both sides, so that it is browned and just tender. Remove it to some toweling to drain; then season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. To form the gratin, put a few spoonfuls of the tomato sauce on the bottom of individual gratin dishes, or use it all to cover the bottom of one large dish. Lay the squash on top in overlapping layers with slices of the cheese interspersed between th layers. Bake until the cheese is melted and the gratin is hot, about 15 minutes, and serve with the fresh parsley scattered over the surface.

Curried Mushroom & Squash Soup
(p. 12 in the original Moosewood Cookbook by Molly Katzen)

At least one and one-half hours to prepare & simmer 4-5 servings
2 medium butternut or acorn squash
2-1/2 cups water or stock
1 c. orange juice
2 Tbl. butter
1/2 c. chopped onion
1 medium clove crushed garlic
6 oz. mushrooms, sliced
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
a few dashes cayenne
optional: fresh lemon juice
garnishes: chopped, toasted, almonds yogurt

Split the squash lengthwise and bake face-down in a 375s oven on an oiled tray, 30 minutes or until quite soft. Cook and scoop out the insides. You’ll need about 3 cups worth. Put it in the blender with the water or stock and puree until smooth. Combine in a kettle or saucepan with the orange juice.

Heat the butter in a skillet and add the garlic, onion, salt and spices. Saute until the onion is very soft. (You may need to add a little water if it sticks). Add mushrooms, cover and cook 10 minutes.

Add the saute to the squash, scraping the skillet well to salvage all the good stuff. Heat everything together very gently. Taste to correct seasoning. Since this is a fairly sweet soup, you may want to spruce it up with some fresh lemon juice.

Serve topped with yogurt and chopped, toasted almonds. (Note: this soup need not be served immediately. Simmer a while, and the flavors can mature.)

Pumpkin or Winter Squash Puree
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone Deborah Madison

Easy, versatile and useful, leftovers can fill ravioli, turn into a soup, or be added to muffins, breads, biscuits, and waffles. Preheat oven to 375 F. Halve, seed, and bake 3 pounds pumpkin or winter squash until tender, approx. 30 – 40 mins. Scrape the flesh away from the skin, then beat until smooth with a large wooden spoon This should be easy unless the squash is stringy, in which case, use a food processor or food mill. Stir in butter to taste and season with salt and pepper. Makes about 2 cups. To enrich the puree, grate Gruyére , Fountain, or Emmenthaler into it. Flavor with extra virgin olive oil, or dark sesame oil, or mix in sautéed onions.

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