So what’s happening on the farm this week?
Week 3: Hello to all our valued CSA members! Adam here, writing the “on the farm” section for this week (usually it’s Christine). I was thinking this morning, which I do best early in the morning, that I am very grateful for this farm. What I am most grateful for is the inspiring way that a farm, this farm, can feed people in body, mind, and spirit.
Of course there is the tangible, essential aspect-good, healthy food for you and others produced without bad stuff involved. Just in this aspect, I find inspiration. With each seed we plant, there is hope and expectation that an abundance will manifest itself, with a little help, and that is what I see and believe with each harvest, each CSA bag, and each delivery to the food shelf, Food for Thought, and Arbor Farm Market (which we think is great). It is a joy to work with this abundance every day.
Then, there is mind and spirit. Again, the essentials-knowing where your food comes from and being nourished by it means peace of mind. For me, the spirit part is seeing how the farm can help grow the kinds of things that are also important in life. For us, it is the sense of purpose and rewards that come from hard work, and the opportunity to serve others . We work our minds all the time with planning, budgeting time, and lots of sweat. We watch a community grow up about us, seeing people light up when they see their food, or us. We know that for some, involvement with the farm fills something in them that needs filling, like our volunteers who come and give freely of their time, energy, and relationship to us. Another example is what (we hope) our farm apprentices-Sarah, Fern, and Frankie, get out of being here- a sense of accomplishment, learning by doing, meeting challenges with strength, and growing in whatever ways they desire, recognize, or intend. They become friends and an integral part of the farm. All of this, together, reminds me that life is greater than the sum of it’s parts, always greater than just me, and I feel grateful to know I am a part of something greater and more powerful than myself. We always wonder how the farm feeds you, and welcome hearing your stories!
On the farm, things are growing like crazy with the bit of rain we’ve had and the heat. Cucumbers, broccoli, more greens, beans, cabbage, napa cabbage, garlic, onions, flowers, and more herbs are all on the horizon. With our recent purchase of a “waterwheel transplanter”, we’ve been able to get more planted and save our backs at the same time. It’s kind of fun-it punches a hole in the plastic mulch, waters it, and then 2 people riding on little yellow seats inches off the ground pop little transplants into the holes as the tractor creeps along. Way better than scooting on hands and knees down each bed thinking “UGHH-30 more trays, 300 more feet.” The water in each hole equals increased plant success. We love it. Of course, more is always going on than what is written here. We invite anyone who wishes to come and volunteer any time. Who knows, you might get a little ride on the transplanter!! Enjoy your share this week!
Oh Big News! We now have BHF t-shirts and hats available for sale. We will have them for sale at the Saturday Farmers Market this Saturday and at pickups this week. We will put them on our online store too very soon for our dropoff customers. Shirts and hats are $20.
Christine, Sadie, and Delia are heading to Cape Cod to see Christine’s big family and to celebrate Nana’s birthday!– most of whom she hasn’t seen in 1.5 years. So…if there is anyone around who would like to come and help harvest, plant and weed next week- please be in touch? Frankie is away on medical leave and hopes to return in September. Our whole farm is rooting for her and her speedy recovery. Also a shout out to Frankie- It’s her birthday this week! And Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary to Sarah and Christy!!
Thanks for being part of our farm. We look forward to farming with you this season.
Peace, your farmers, Christine, Adam, Sadie, Delia, Sarah, Fern, Frankie, and Christy
What’s in the share this week:
This list is what is in a share this week. Things may change between Monday and Thursday and Individual and Salad share will get differing amounts and may not get everything on the list. Lettuce mix, Basil, Arugula, Sugar Snap Peas, zucchini, summer squash, scallions
Eggs for sale We have the pretty girls’ eggs for sale – these are free-range, certified organic chicken eggs that are brown eggs– with the brightest yellow/orange yolks you ever seen. The eggs are $6.00 a dozen. $3.00 half dozen
Squash & Scallion Pancakes
Servings: 14 pancakes
2 large zucchini or squash, grated
1 tsp salt
½ cup scallions, sliced thin (+additional fresh herbs if desired, basil, dill, parsley, etc.)
1 large egg, beaten
½ cup flour
½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp black pepper
Cooking oil to pan fry
Method of Preparation:
1) Set oven to warm or 200°F.
2) In a medium bowl, add zucchini and salt. Set aside for 10 minutes to release excess water. Squeeze out excess liquid, transfer to large bowl.
3) Add another pinch of salt, scallions, egg, flour, baking powder, and black pepper. Mix well.
4) On a large skillet over medium heat, warm cooking oil. Using an ice-cream scoop, add zucchini mixture to the skillet, flattening with a spoon, and cook for 3-5 minutes or until first side is golden brown. Flip and cook on second side for another 3-5 minutes. Adjust heat as needed if browning too quickly. Transfer pancake to baking sheet in the oven to remain warm.
5) Repeat with remaining zucchini mixture.
6) Serve with sour cream.
Basil Simple Syrup
Servings: 1 cup
Equipment: small pot, spoon, glass container
1 cup sugar
½ cup water
½ cup fresh basil
Method of Preparation:
1) Combine ingredients in a small pot. Bring to a low simmer, stirring occasionally, until sugar has dissolved and consistency is syrupy.
2) Strain and transfer to a glass jar, allow to cool, and use within one week for lemonades, cocktails, strawberry basil sauce (see below recipe), or drizzle over fresh fruit or ice cream.
Strawberry Basil Sauce
Servings: 8
Equipment: medium pot, spoon, glass container
½ cup basil simple syrup (see above recipe)
1-2 qts fresh strawberries, halved
Method of Preparation.
1) Prepare basil simple syrup as directed above, before transferring to glass jar add strawberries to the pot with the syrup and cook on low, stirring frequently, for 5-10 minutes until strawberries are lightly cooked.
2) Serve with cake or ice cream.
Basil Squash
Servings: 4
Equipment: cutting board, knife, skillet, spoon
1 tbsp butter
2 medium zucchini, halved lengthwise and sliced into ¼” inch half moons
2 medium summer squash, halved lengthwise and sliced into ¼” inch half moons
2 large scallions, sliced thin
6-8 leaves basil, sliced thin (or 1-2 tbsp basil gremolata!)
¼ tbsp apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice
To taste, salt, black pepper, red chili flakes
Method of Preparation:
1) In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat.
2) Add zucchini and squash and a pinch of salt. Sauté 5-8 minutes until vegetables are tender.
3) Add scallion, basil, and vinegar, stir to mix.
4) Taste, season with salt , pepper, and red chili flakes to taste.
5) Remove from heat and serve as a side dish.
Basil Gremolata
Servings: ½ cup
Equipment: small bowl
2 cloves garlic, crushed
½ cup fresh basil, minced
1 lemon, zested
2 tsp olive oil
½ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp black pepper
Method of Preparation:
- Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, cover, and let sit for an hour.
- Serve on vegetables, rice dishes, grain salads, or meat dishes.