Sadie & Pippin
Pippin meets Hanna
Adam and the Gulls
Adam was harrowing a field while the gulls had some yummy invertebrates!!
Sadie wrapping up the sugaring season.
In the seedroom …
Rose Heirloom Tomato Seedlings going strong 🙂
Plastic, Seeds, bunnies and chicks
Yesterday we got our delievery of plastic for both the greenhouse (it will take two layers) and our hoophouse (1 layer). Not sure when we will replace it all since it is pretty windy up here right now. The seeds are starting to sprout in the hot room in the barn – thanks to adam […]
Potatoes, soil mix…
We ordered 700 lbs of organic seed potatoes yesterday. Soil Mix from Vt Compost company should be coming via a truck any day now….starting seeds this Friday. Ordering seeds and green house plastic at the end of this week. Thanks to all CSA members who have started to contribute to their shares. We also ave […]
2010 CSA Season
Hello to all returning and potential CSA members, neighbors, friends and family! As I type this, Sadie is sitting on my lap, with her belly sticking out of her shirt so she can write “farm notes” too – on her belly. She is quite patient while momma finishes this letter and gets the mailing ready […]
Adam is okay :)
Hi there. Many farm friends know that I (Adam) took a hard whack on the nose breaking Sadie’s fall off of a swingset at the Farmer’s Market the other day. It was a little scary almost passing out and going to the ER in an ambulance. Well, I am fine- no broken nose, no head […]