Hello to all returning and potential CSA members, neighbors, friends and family! The days are getting a bit longer, the sun is actually shining even though it is 14 degrees out but – it’s time, it’s time ..Here we are – nearing the end of February – seed starting time and CSA sign up time! […]
Journal Post
Hello CSA members! ******CSA for next week is moved to TUESDAY pickup from 4 to 630 so the farmers can go to an intensive pastured pig workshop on the other side of the state from 1 to 7pm (we need to leave the farm at 1130) – its an amazing opportunity for us with […]
Journal Post
Hello everyone- Sorry I haven’t sent an email out lately things have been very busy here. We have fall brassicas weeded and they are looking wonderful – they are in the front field behind the green house. We have another field of green beans that will be ready in a couple of weeks along […]
Journal Post Week of July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013 Blue Heron Farm Journal So what’s happening on the farm this week? Week 8- So here we are – As we walk the fields every day – figuring out what is going to be ready when and for who. It is quite a balancing act. Today, most of you, there will be […]
Journal for week of July 22, 2013
Blue Heron Farm Journal So what’s happening on the farm this week? July 23 – Week 7- Things are growing. Veggies,flowers, animals, birds, people – the sun has down some good work on the farm. Yes, it is dry in parts which helps us get some of our crops in the ground, that should have […]
Journal Post for July 8, 2013
Volume VIII, JOURNAL 4,5 July 8, 2013 Blue Heron Farm Journal So what’s happening on the farm this week? Week 5- So here we are the beginning of July and it feels like the beginning of May. The weather reporters say these are the wettest two months in Vt history. Is this the […]
July 8, 2013
Good Morning Everyone- As I write this the familiar sound of pitter patter is coming from outside my window – wish it was little feet playing outside – but the rain hits again. We have flash flood warnings going into effect as of 11am until midnight tonight. My new “smartphone” texted me a flash […]
Journal Post for June 24, 2013
Volume VIII, JOURNAL I,2,3 June 24, 2013 Blue Heron Farm Journal So what’s happening on the farm this week? This journal we put out once a week and is available in paper form on Mondays and electronic form email and website the rest of the week. It is a place to get recipes, know […]
2013 CSA Farm Shares Available
Here it is the long awaited CSA signups and letter. They are a google doc. Feel free to share:) Blue Heron Farm 2013 CSA brochure: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0By3U03bbE9hiOFpjLW1UVkFyRlU/edit?usp=sharing February 26, 2013 Hello to all returning and potential CSA members, neighbors, friends and family! I opened the door to the hen hoophouse this morning, and there it was […]
Winter Market tomorrow
We will be at the Winter Champlain Islands Farmers’ Market at the Congregational Church in South Hero from 10-2pm on Saturday (tomorrow). We will be taking orders for certified organic lamb (ready next week)- you can order pieces, half or whole lamb. We will aslo have available yearling mutton cuts and mutton sausage. We also […]